Sunday, July 31, 2005

Proud 2 B Catholic Concert 1

Proud 2 B Catholic Concert 1
Originally uploaded by Righteousb.
This crowd from Framingham Mass came ready to sweat...and apparently they were very "proud to be Catholic"

Proud 2 B Catholic Concert 2

Proud 2 B Catholic Concert 2
Originally uploaded by Righteousb.
We had a great crowd - not only off the stage but on the stage - with two new members of the crew - WhiteCastle (DJ behind me) and Mike Browne (the short black dude to my left). The 2 of them joining forces with me and Average M.C. (the scary looking guy in the red baseball cap) - was delicious

Proud 2 B Catholic Concert 4

Proud 2 B Catholic Concert 4
Originally uploaded by Righteousb.
getting silly with the folks

Proud 2 B Catholic Concert 3

Proud 2 B Catholic Concert 3
Originally uploaded by Righteousb.
Another picture from the dilly

Righteous B and the Sunshine Crew

Proud 2 B Catholic Concert 5
Originally uploaded by Righteousb.
Left to Right: Average M.C., White Castle, Righteous, Mike Browne. What a good looking crew.

Throwin it down in Maryland

Originally uploaded by Righteousb.
The show at St. John's on the 27th was a beautiful thingy. Despite the technical difficulties - those peeps got silly and what better way to end a rap concert than with adoration. It was also a treat to hear George Misulia play - one of my childhood Catholic music favorites

Kids Road Trip

Kids Road Trip
Originally uploaded by Righteousb.
I've been away a ton this month and so I decided to bring the kiddos on the road with me July 27th to Maryland for a show (5 hours each way in one night) The Trip was challenging but fun. Who couldn't love these kids?

Jersey Part 2

Jersey Part 2
Originally uploaded by Righteousb.
Just a pic from our Jersey show earlier this July - them folks are sick! (Righteous B and Fiddy)

fiddy bones wit the crazy mic

fiddy bones jersey
Originally uploaded by Righteousb.
There's nothin like rapping on one of these mics!

Attack of the Jersey Microphones PART 2

RB Jersey
Originally uploaded by Righteousb.
The folks in NJ might be awesome - but they got the microphones. Her they are

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Steubenville East

Steubenville East
Originally uploaded by Righteousb.
Chillin with the Northeastern peeps

Houston AYC

AYC 2005 018-1
Originally uploaded by Righteousb.
Righteous B with Anne from Houston

Steubenville Rockies

Well, I’m flying back from Steubenville Rockies in Denver Colorado and to be honest with you I have one though on my heart – my family. Hosting these conferences this summer has been so amazing getting to see thousands of kids come to know Christ. And this was my 5th and last confernce to host of the summer. It was especially blessed because the Diocese of Denver has got it going on - I believe some of the best youth ministry in the country is coming out of that Diocese because their vision for reaching teens in so passionate (thanks to Bishop Chaput and Sean Dalton). It was also good because our team of speakers was bountifully bodacious. I got to hang with my homegirl (and soon to be sister-in-law) (just kidding) (well…not really) (here’s hoping) Kelly Pease. Though she’s still lazy (waking up late and taking frequent cat naps) – she rocked the house during her concert. And it was fun doing a lil rapping along side of her again. BUT in spite of all these blessings and as much as I love tapping into the Glory of these weekends – there’s nothing I love more than being a husband and dad. I’m really tired (having been on the road for almost a month straight) which makes me really emotional and I’m just aching to snuggle with my kids (and my wife). Thank you Lord for blessing me with them.

Houston AYC

The Diocesan Youth Conference was phatter than a sumo wrestler. I love my Houston peeps. Going back to H-town was a total blessing to me. Those guys know how to love ya real well. Between 800 crazy Texans, Aaron Barta’s rocking worship band, and a Starbucks located 20 feet from the conference room – I was really happy. The highlight of my week though, was when Archbisop Fiorenze whispered in my ear “keep rapping for Jesus”. How cool is that? When a Archbishop tells me to keep rapping - it makes me feel like I’m doing something right. So thanks Bishop. Word.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Song of the Moment

"Overflow" by Chris Tomilin

"...and where would I be without you?"

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Monmouth, NJ JULY 13th

Every year at Attleboro – I come in contact with a particular group who quite possibly might be the most passionate bunch o’ folk I meet all year long – they are have fueled by their desire for Christ and half fueled by rabies (I think). Who doth I speakest? No other than St. Cecilia’s youth group from New Jersey. This year I had the priveledge of doing a follow up concert a few days after the youth conference in Attleboro Mass. It’s always fun to hang with a crew of like minded hip hop heads like my friends in Monmouth NJ. It’s even more fun when I get to bring my brother (Fiddy Bones) and my sis and step dad along for the fun. The show was as silly as usual but the coolest part is getting to sit down and hang with these people and see their heart. They know that they are broken and sinful yet they have a real earnest desire for holiness. Thas some good peoples.

After the show – we drove to Philly and then to Pittsburg only to catch a 6AM flight to Houston. It’s been a long couple of weeks. And I feel a little delirious, a little tired, a lot blessed, and a lot tiredd.

If you’re axin yourself, “Hey Righteous – where are the pictures?” They will be up soon – I forgot my plug in thing to put em up.

Attleboro, MASS July 8-10th

Well, God opened up the flood gates of heaven this weekend …in more ways than one. From the get go in Attleboro Mass – the odds were stacked against us – at least in the natural realm. It pretty much downpoured for 3 days straight (which you think would really ruin a conference where 3000 teens gather for a weekend held completely under tents). But here’s the kicker – you’d never know it was an issue. If this was a concert or a girl scout rally it would have been canceled -- but it wasn’t. This was about several thousand teens crying out for God’s Glory. And it was flippin intense. I’d say of the 4 conferences I’ve hosted this summer – this one was the most intense. There was just something about the way we prayed this weekend that was authentically desperate. And collectively that was beautiful. My favorite moment was on Saturday night as we began to worship and simultaneously a deluge of rain was released over us. It was just such a amazing visual during worship – as we begged for God’s glory to fall. A special thank you to everyone at the conference. You guyses really touched me this weekend – especially in the fact that I didn’t hear one complaint in the midst of all that. Thank You God for being really cool.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Cutest Kids in the World

Cutest Kids in the World
Originally uploaded by Righteousb.
My kids on my new porch swing. You gotta love it.

Kelly Pease

Kelly Pease
Originally uploaded by Righteousb.
Over the course of the week - I really came to admire Kelly "lazy" Pease. I already apreciated her friendship and knew she was a talented woman of God but watching her do ministry this week was a treat. Her passion coupled with her authenticity makes her an amazing witness of God's Glory. Thanks Peasey Weezy. You can check out her music (and her end of the story) at

Kelly Pease/ Righteous B tour LAST DAY

So it was our last day - we were all exhausted but feeling really blessed to be a part of what God did that week. Our last show at St. Frances Cabrini was a treat - I especially love the crazy Mexicans who showed up. The cool thing about these shows is that they felt so intimate. I loved getting to meet a lot of the people at each venue. Leaving the night was hard becuase we had to drive all night back to LA for me to catch my plane. But spending more time with the guys in the band was well worth it. Thank You God for an annointed week.

Kelly Pease/ Righteous B Tour DAY 4

SO we got to Houston - had an amazing night at St. Cyril's Church. Father Mario was one of the coolest priests I had ever met (the guy danced the entire show). God really broke open the night at the end as he had been doing during the worship. For us we realized that in the midst of being tired and worn down - it was really hard to be God's Glory. As a band - we had a great breakdown getting real with each other before the show about how God is calling us deeper

go ninja go!

go ninja go!
Originally uploaded by Righteousb.
Unfortunately in the midst of sleepiness and Onstar prank phone calls - we (when I say "we" - I mean Kelly Pease) locked our keys in the car - leaving us stranded for about an hour outside some creepy redneck gas station. Luckily for us we met ninja (featured center in the picture) who busted into our car and saved the day

Thank God for Onstar

Originally uploaded by Righteousb.
We did a lot of driving during the week. And the road from the LA shows to the TX shows was like the "grouling pace" in the Oregon trail. But luckily we had onstar in our vehicle. We must have prank called them about 50 times. Including numerous times where I almost vommited I was laughing so hard. If you've never pranked onstar before - try it. You'll be glad you did

Always a new place for an autograph

Another weird Louisianna autograph seeker.

Worship - Kelly Pease

Worship - Kelly Pease
Originally uploaded by Righteousb.
Kelly Pease took em deeper as the night rolled on into worship

Hungry crowd in New Iberia

Hungry crowd in New Iberia
Originally uploaded by Righteousb.
...So everything was going great until smack dab in the middle of my set - we blew all the power to the building. Luckily - we had all kinds of food backstage in the green room they prepared for us. So I started throwing out hoagies and brownies and drinks to the crowd. That kept em happy until the power came back up. It's a good thing I'm so dang witty and helpful

The New Iberia Show

Originally uploaded by Righteousb.
Check out that venue - so flippin cool. And the crowd was ready to go. It was like they had all been doing shots of red bull

Kelly Pease/ Righteous B Tour- DAY 3

Originally uploaded by Righteousb.
Our stop at New Iberia was one of my favorites. We played at this killer theater in the middle of the city. I really felt like God was saying he was going to blow it up that night and sure enough - they were 125 people over the fire code an hour before the show. They had to end up turning a bunch of people away which bites but the night was so blessed and the crowd was rabid