Friday, May 06, 2005

My Visit with Fr. Stan

On the day Pope John Paul II died - I got a call from Father Stan, who was actually in Poland at the time, saying we need to do an "emergency colaboration" on a tribute track to JP. 3 days later I was on a plane to the Bronx - which was a blessing in itself as we have talked for a couple years about doing a project together yet have not been able to swing it with our schedules. Having 2 days free to actually do the deal was the first among many blessings we received that week. Being able to share stories and celebrate mass together as brothers was like a retreat for me in the midst of my chaotic life right now. It was theraputic to hang with my big bro (as Father Stan calls himself - even though he weighs like a buck 20). We would write and record by day and eat good eats by night. We rolled into the Polish ghetto where we feasted on kielbasa, kapusta, and fine Polish beer. Needless to say the large amounts of sausage and cabbage brought unpleasant odors to the studio the next morning. The studio now that I mention it was such a unique yet well crafted lab. It's actually carved into the old baptistry at the monastery - complete with this old fresco of the Lord's baptism behind the control booth.

The track itself (beats and hook created by Fr. Stan) was very different and out there. It's very Fr. Stan (unique, creative, hairy) with a world beat/ jazzy flavor. The beat has such an emotional tone to it and so it was perfect to really grieve over. The snare is absent and the 2 and 4 and virtually non existent - so the vocals really pop out. The goal was not to create some slammin club banger - the real goal was to honor JP 2. For me the track was very personal and I felt very close to John Paul as we worked and prayed that week. Though JP is gone - he has not abandoned the church. He is now in the church victorious as he prays for us the militant. Look for the single "The Great One" in about 2 weeks. It will also feature a interview with Fr. Stan and I and a teaching by Father.