These last few weeks I’ve been finding myself inspired. This weekend was no different. I don’t know about you – but for me I go through times where I feel like I haven’t been inspired in months. I go see the blockbuster movie of the moment, I search for some deep moving conversation, or an emotional epiphany in prayer and yet come up empty. Not disillusioned…just uninspired. And then suddenly as if I had something clogging the “inspiration pipeline” to my heart – I get this rush of inspiration all at once. And for weeks I will feel inspired by everything from the music I’m listening to the conversation I might have with some guy at the grocery store. Maybe someone and is reading this and saying to themselves, “Sounds like bi-polar disorder to me.” Who knows. All I know is I have been moved almost daily as of late and it’s soothing to my soul.
On that note, this weekend was a good one. Part of that was a couple really fun shows at St. Cecilia’s Church and part was space in the weekend to think and converse (mostly with my boy Average M.C.) Some of you may be asking yourself, “how can I get me some of that inspiration stuff?” Lately I’ve been reading a killer book – “Blue Like Jazz” and listening to the most radical, risky, dangerously raw album maybe ever released in the “Christian” industry – Derek Webb’s Mockingbird.
Back to the show- good folks – as always in Houston. Lots of laughs at the concert as we tried out some new material: Including the cowbell sequence seen above- played by LOS!